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La bucaccia Booking and Contacts


Contacts for information and booking – Restaurant La Bucaccia Cortona


Table booking request

We accept online reservations only at least 24 hours in advance and we remind you to always wait for a booking confirmation.
For bookings with a shorter notice period it is advisable to call 0575 606039.

Contact Form

Due to the small size of the place and the many requests, the reservations are accepted for tables not exceeding more then 8/10 seats. Alternatively, it’s possible to request a reservation by telephone only, consulting with the dining room staff on 0575 606039.

The distribution of the tables is at the discretion of the room manager, based on the bookings received and the number of guests. We will satisfy all requests as much as possible.

The terraces, if available, must be booked at least 5 days in advance.

Contacts for information and booking – Restaurant La Bucaccia Cortona
Contacts for information and booking – Restaurant La Bucaccia Cortona

Our very precious wooden tables are comfortable but not huge.

For reasons of space we can’t accommodate strollers near the tables, but we provide high chairs on request at the time of booking.

We ask our guests with children to take the utmost care for the tranquility of other guests. Given the small size, our restaurant allows us to accommodate only small pets.

The informal style doesn’t require any type of clothing, but we kindly ask you don’t wear beach kits.